许多家长可能会对此感到惊讶, 就像实体学校一样, 有 公立和私立在线学校. 也, 比如实体学校, online public schools are typically sponsored by the state or local school district. They must meet state and/or district curriculum and attendance requirements, 以及教师资格认证要求. 类似于实体学校, tuition-free online public schools have geographical boundaries, 通常在全州范围内, 因为学生必须来自同一个州. Students in online public schools also take the same state-mandated tests that brick-and-mortar public schools require.
和实体店一样, 网上私立学校 在课程设置和课程设置上有更多的灵活性, 比如全年制学校和大学先修课程, and students often aren’t restricted to living in certain school districts to attend.